Christine Nobles Blog

Christine Nobles Blog


World of Christine Nobles

Hello everyone and welcome to the world of Christine Nobles. I was always looking for ways of how to be a positive influence and share my knowledge and experience with others. In my life I have a few extraordinary achievements that gave me a great amount of confidence to stand in front of you today.


Brand CHRISTINE NOBLES came from years of revolution through my life. My hard-working nature brought me in my early age into the film and TV industry based on my theater job and performances all across the Czech Republic. I was lucky to work on many national and international films and projects. After finishing high school I was studying Uni and worked in finance for a couple of years before I started my own international modeling agency.

200 registered models

With an army of 200 registered models I was hustling work opportunities around All Europe including Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. After 4 years of career as an agency owner and model, I emigrated to Australia. After managing a stable visa and gaining work rights, I began finding my business path again as a Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist and Professional Photographer. This became a full time source of income and a huge passion. However this is just one aspect of my life.

Business owner, Young achiever, Modeling agency, leader, success, business, Young business owner, Christine Nobles, modeling, modeling agency, success, beautiful girl

Christine Nobles, modeling

Normal Life? No!

Since I was born, I always lived in my own little bubble. I wanted the world to be a better place. I was rejecting what was considered “Normal Life” and I was always seeking more. Idea of me studying and getting a full time job was something unacceptable as I was constantly disappointing my family members about ideas of doing business and working for myself.

Does that sound familiar to you? If  you are reading this, you might be on the same boat. My family came out of communism in the Czech Republic and their conservative opinions often led to disagreement however I knew who I was and what I wanted in life and I couldn’t let go. I remember my mum saying “if you start your own business, you will end up in jail with finance issues” or “If you move to Australia, you will get killed by dangerous animals”.

Later on I realised that she was only talking about her fears and projecting them on me. I always listened to my own intuition and followed my dreams.

My business

My business wasn’t the only achievement in my life. I feel like by 30 years of age I mastered life balance to a point where most people want to be. One day I woke up and realized that most of my childhood dreams had been accomplished and I burst into tears. Not that I was fully independent doing what I love, I also achieved great life balance including Fitness and health as a bikini & Body Sculpting competitor for ICN and winning worldwide transformation challenge with Ulisses World.

I managed to have a flexible and independent work schedule allowing me to travel often and manage my free time. I faced my childhood trauma and looked deep into my triggers and healed my wounds. That led to being a much more kind and loving person and warmed relationships with my family and friends. Last but not least I got recently engaged to the man of my dreams living in a beautiful marina with 3 pools and a view of the ocean.

I am saying this with tears in my eyes because I know that If I had the chance to meet my 6 years old self and show her my life today, she would be incredibly proud.

Coming from poor household raised by mother and grandma in Czech Republic I made it across the world to my dream life.

introduction, better life, lilfe hacks, christine nobles, Australia, Brand, business, czech republic, invitation, models, lifestyle, world, bodybuilding, fitness, diet, health, wellness, icn competition, body sculpting, bikini contest

Australia, Brand, business

Starting Christine Nobles Blog

I am starting this blog because I am passionate about helping you to thrive in life and achieve whatever you want to improve. I can help with getting you on your own feet and start your own business, give you practical strategies on how to lose weight and start your own fitness journey to the brutal truths about modern relationships and how to get you ready for the love you deserve.

I can also improve your daily habits that will allow you to love yourself, be more confident & gain self respect and even inspire you to move to your dream country … !!! The world is a playground and you are here to play the game called life !

Let me share with you things that I have learned in all aspects in my life so you can thrive too. How would I advise my younger self and what I wish I knew in my 20’s. The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide to Amazing Life !!!

This is an invitation into Christine Nobles World.

#christinenoblesblog #Christine_Nobles_Blog

Kristyna Slechtova